Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Leap Of Faith 
I was planning to do something else for February's theme the reason I changed my mind is that I have been busy with Vic SES since Sunday, filling sandbags and dealing with anything too much rain -250mm- that is around 10 inches in five days can generate. Everyone is now hoping that we don't get any more rain even though more is forecast.

 I was standing behind the camera man when this rescue was filmed  a couple of days ago, about one kilometre from my place, the creek where the rescue took place is now, at the time of writing this post a metre higher than when the driver was pulled off  his truck.

When I saw him leap into the inflatable dingy I was struck by the thought that for a Christian that is exactly what God asks us to do, leap into his care, he promises to be there underneath us holding us when life is good and when life becomes a struggle.

Just to finish this post off I am including some of the News stories from the nights news.
Many residents will not be able to go to work tomorrow and to be honest might not want to go to work as driving through flood waters is dangerous, and not recommended. High School for my son was cancelled at 10am this morning because teachers feared that the buses would not be able to return the children to their homes if they left at 3.30pm too many roads have been flooded. 

I am pleased to say that my drenched town has settled for the night, Vic SES members are home taking a break, some started the day at 2.30am this morning with a request for sandbags.


  1. What a dramatic story, Marilyn. Thanks for sharing your situation with us. I pray the weather will dry up for you all soon so the flood waters can recede.

    Great job taking our leap topic and finding a parallel in the truck driver's rescue. When we are fully present in the moment - any given moment - God can use it to quicken His truth to our spirits.

    1. Better late than never. We don't realize the force of nature until an event like this happens. Good to know you are okay.

      Now come join the March post is up!

  2. Wow. This was a wonderful reminder of God's power in nature and also His power working through His people to rescue others.

    It was well worth waiting for, Marilyn!

  3. Marilyn, thanks for the news links. Sobering photos. Your neighbors are blessed by your willingness to serve and fill sandbags. Praying for the rain to abate so clean-up can begin. May God hold you all close through the rain.

  4. You know it's ironic that in Victoria and New South Wales you're battling devestating floods, while here in Tassie, we're facing some of the worst bushfires this state has seen in my memory. Stereotypes would almost suggest it should be the other way around, but nature seldom listens to steretypes.

    You willingness to serve others through the SES is a practical expression of a Christ-like heart. Well done and good on ya.

    Glad you jumped into the chain even if it was technically March :)

  5. volunteering is hard work but very rewarding.
    hope the weather chnnges for you.
    great leap to end with
    biiiiig hug
